Our Small Flower Bouquet is made using fresh SEASONAL FLOWERS and greenery. (selected by the designer and product avalibility)
Please use the buttons below to specify the DOMINANT COLOR you would like the flowers to be. This bouquet is handtied and wrapped with paper allowing for an easy transition to a vase. (Vases/Glassware NOT INCLUDED)
This Bouquet is made using assorted flowers, though, a primary or DOMINANT COLOR can be selected using the buttons below.
All orders MUST be submitted 24 HOURS BEFORE desired delivery date. SAME DAY ORDERS MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN 10AM .
Small Flower Bouquet
Floral Arrangements are custom arrangements and are not eligible for refund.
However, should you feel that your arrangement has not met your expectations, we will gladly exchange the order within 24 hours of product delivery. (The 24 hours starts once the flowers/arrangement has been delivered.)
We offer $15 delivery, within the greater Pinellas County Area, and are willing to make exceptio for areas outside of our usual terretory, for an additional fee.